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Friday, November 8, 2019

Theories of domestic violence Essays

Theories of domestic violence Essays Theories of domestic violence Essay Theories of domestic violence Essay therefore he fears losing award and regard. As a consequence of him non being able to economically back up his married woman, and keep control, he may turn to violence as ways to show maleness. Social acquisition theorysuggests that people learn from detecting and patterning after others behavior. With positive support, the behaviour continues. If one observes violent behaviour, one is more likely to copy it. If there are no negative effects ( e.g. victim accepts the force, with entry ) , so the behavior will probably go on. Oftentimes, force is transmitted from coevals to coevals in a cyclical mode. Harmonizing to Faith St Catherine of the Women s Resource and Outreach Centre in Jamaica, there is a civilization of maltreatment, particularly among the interior metropolis hapless Surveies have found that about one half of opprobrious work forces grew up in places where their male parent or measure male parent was an maltreater. An environment where force is either taught, by illustration, or accepted as normal will form upon a kid s mind. For case, a immature male child may see his male parent come place from work rummy and angry, shouting at his female parent. He watche s his female parent effort to delight and pacify his male parent s bibulous behavior. The immature male child is being taught that force gets consequences. He is developing his ain thoughts about what makes a adult male. hypertext transfer protocol: //books.google.com/books? hl=en A ; lr= A ; id=BPT0HelrVcMC A ; oi=fnd A ; pg=PA201 A ; dq=Social+theories+of+Domestic+Violence A ; ots=9iVvl8_Tpr A ; sig=C9P8UBogyad2RePEnpeTk5JYs7Y # v=onepage A ; q= A ; f=false Drug and/or intoxicant maltreatmentmay be a precursor to domestic force. Substance maltreatment leads to out-of-control behavior. A rummy or high individual will be less likely to command his or her violent urges. However some have argued that maltreaters use drug and intoxicant as an alibi for their action. Yet, intoxicant is an of import hazard factor for spouse maltreatment. Harmonizing to University of the West Indies professor and gender expert in Trinidad, Rhoda Reddock: in Trinidad, many of the most ghastly slayings and sexual force are linked to mental disease brought approximately by drug and intoxicant dependence, severally. Since intoxicant lessenings control and raises the potency for moving on urge, it is non surprising that some feel it can be a accelerator for maltreatment. Often a individual is able to keep control of violent emotions when he is sober, but after a few drinks, he becomes opprobrious. The intoxicant has dulled his marbless and diminished his ability to command his pique. In the Caribbean or more specifically in Barbados, domestic force is going more and more evident in the society. Domestic force is rarely reported in the island, therefore why the true incidence of domestic force is unknown. In November of 2005, harmonizing to The World Health Organization ( WHO ) one adult female in every three ( 3 ) adult females are reported to be sexually abused during childhood or adolescence. The survey revealed that the most common signifiers of force is meted out by loved 1s. As mentioned earlier, domestic force is besides known to be closely linked with drug and intoxicant maltreatment. Harmonizing to Tessa Chaderton-Shaw, director, of the National Council of Substance Abuse ( NCSA ) , There are many cross-cutting issues with substance maltreatment anddomestic force She besides stated that, It can take to isolation, shame, guilt, initial denial, loss of support, low self-pride and a possible for condemnable engagement. Peoples so became more cognizant of Do mestic Violence in the state, and the consciousness has invariably been turning. Even the Barbados Police Force has taken domestic force under more serious consideration and had devised a strategic program to turn to domestic force and cut down its happening, harmonizing to Sergeant David Wiltshire. Wiltshire said that officers were sent to the United States and England for developing to react to domestic force issues. Mentions Theories hypertext transfer protocol: //social.jrank.org/pages/210/Domestic-Violence-Causes-Domestic-Violence.html hypertext transfer protocol: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domestic_violence # Psychological hypertext transfer protocol: //wost201h_domviol.tripod.com/groupactionproject/id4.html Suman Kakar Condemnable Justice Approaches to Domestic Violence ( 1998 ) . Rhoda Reddock A ; Faith St Catherine hypertext transfer protocol: //www.jamaicaobserver.com/magazines/AllWoman/html/20061203T000000-0500_116180_OBS_CARIBBEAN_FACES_DOMESTIC_VIOLENCE_CHALLENGE_.asp Barbados A ; Domestic Violence hypertext transfer protocol: //archive.nationnews.com/archive_results.php? mode=allwords A ; IncludeStories=1 A ; numPer=20 A ; start=0 A ; keyword=Domestic+Violence A ; smartText

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