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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

In Cold Blood - 1371 Words

Truman Capote’s use of form in his novel In Cold Blood really grabs the reader’s attention. His manipulation of form makes the reader feel as if they are part of the investigation that occurred after the unforgettable night at the Clutter house. He places the information that he gathered from the research in the book in a very interesting sequence that leaves the reader in a state of confusion. The way he jumps from the investigation to the killers within the book adds a sense of dramatic irony but never gives away why or how these cruel men murdered the family. What confuses the reader even more is that Capote leaves us feeling sorry for one of these vicious men, Perry. How Capote utilizes form makes the reader build an emotional†¦show more content†¦Capote was certainly right with his assumption. When Perry was found guilty and sentenced the death penalty, he decided that he was going to die on his own terms instead of someone elses and began to starve himself. Capote is who nursed him back to health by spoon-feeding him baby food. This scene portrays a picture of a father feeding a baby, which makes us see Perry as a helpless child instead of a mass murderer. Capote continues to be a father figure to Perry and gains his full trust. Now that Capote is fully inside Perry’s mind, he is capable of figuring out why Perry is who he is. He finds out that Perry’s troubles began at his childhood. He discovers that Perry was abandoned by his mother and had family members that committed suicide. Any person with that kind of background is bound to have psychological problems. This is when Capote begins to think that Perry was not given a fair trial. According to the MNaghten Rule, the criminals could be tested for insanity by any kind of doctor, Capote felt as if this was not fair because Dr. Jones wasn’t allowed to elaborate about Dick and Perry’s medical report in the trial. Capote continues to gather information on Perry’s past to try to completely comprehend what Perry has gone through. He even makes a visit to Perry’s sister, who doesn’t want to have anything to do with him or the rest of their family. Perry’s sister’sShow MoreRelatedIn Cold Blood1256 Word s   |  6 PagesTruman Capote’s non-fiction novel, In Cold Blood, was a breakthrough in literacy in that it was accredited as the first non-fiction novel. There was a lot of controversy when the book was first published because of the incredibility of the work. This could be expected in that time, because people where not familiar with the concept of non-fiction novels yet, but this is where the beauty of this style of writing lies, the recreation of the truth. It would have been impossible for Capote to have documentedRead MoreCold Blood1139 Words   |  5 PagesIn the non-fiction novel In Cold Blood, Truman Capote (1965) gives his own narrative of the Holcomb tragedy in which a family of four living out on a secluded farm were slaughtered with a shotgun by the collaboration of two individuals for a seemingly few dollars. In this novel, Capote gives a thorough character description of the two murderers, Richard Hickock and Perry Smith, as he recreates their experience (mu ch as he sees it as it would be from their eyes). He gives accounts preceding the eventRead MoreIn Cold Blood999 Words   |  4 PagesIn Truman Capote’s non-fiction novel In Cold Blood, the Clutter family’s murderers, Perry Smith and Dick Hickock, are exposed like never before. The novel allows the reader to experience an intimate understanding of the murderer’s pasts, thoughts, and feelings. It goes into great detail of Smith and Hickock’s pasts which helps to explain the path of life they were walking leading up to the murder’s, as well as the thought’s that were running through their minds after the killings. Perry Smith wasRead MoreIn Cold Blood1043 Words   |  5 PagesThe book I chose to read and do my book journal on this quarter was In Cold Blood by Truman Capote. I really thought that this book was much longer than it really should have been, although it was still a fairly interesting book. The idea that someone you have never met and never heard about could rob and kill everyone in your house is a rather unnerving notion. In this book there is really only one part that I cannot figure out. Towards the end of the book Al Dewey one of the men responsibleRead MoreImagery in in Cold Blood876 Words   |  4 PagesTruly successful authors have the ability to convey their view of a place without actually saying it, to portray a landscape in a certain light simply by describing it. In the opening paragraphs of In Cold Blood, Truman Capote does just this. Through his use of stylistic elements such as selection of detail, imagery, and figurative language, Capote reveals his own solemn and mysterious view of Holcomb, Kansas, while setting the stage for an imminent change. Beginning in the first line of the passageRead MoreCold Blood by Truman Capote900 Words   |  4 PagesIn 1965, Truman Capote created the infamous tale known as â€Å"In Cold Blood†. The book created the illusion of fantasy while based on reality. Many people were floored at the brilliance Capote demonstrated within the pages. The book took the literary concept of a novel with the literary elements of designed scenes, characters, a story formed with an introduction, rising action, climax and resolution to the real events surrounding the murder of the Clutter family. Those that worked in the field ofRead MoreIn Cold Blood Authorial Intents1703 Words   |  7 PagesIn Cold Blood: Two Intents, One Novel On November 15, 1959, the whole nation was shocked by a ghastly murder involving four family members in the discrete farm town of Holcomb, Kansas. It was most shocking because a crime of this magnitude with no motive was rare. This was so discomforting a well known author, by the name of Truman Capote, moved to Holcomb to record the townspeople’s reaction to the tragedy. The idea of how they responded to the crime gave Capote the idea to write a book. In ColdRead MoreIn Cold Blood Book Review896 Words   |  4 Pagesand motives of complex crime, read Truman Capote’s â€Å"In Cold Blood: A True Account of a Multiple Murder and Its Consequences.† If one scares easily, is squeamish or wants to avoid imagining a remorseless, brutal killer around every corner, do not. In his 1965 nonfiction novel, Capote paints a disturbingly vivid picture of the quadruple murder of the Clutters, a highly regarded and semi-wealthy farming family from Holcomb, Kansas. In Cold Blood examines the incentives and methods used by the killersRead MoreCold Blood By Truman Capote1322 Words   |  6 Pages In Cold Blood by Truman Capote would be a good, diverse addition to the ENG 3U course for many reasons, beginning with how the novel is non-fiction, but still manages to create a story line, while remaining appealing for the reason that it differs from most novels on course syllabus to the way the author can make you feel for the characters. In Cold Blood is a novel written about a real life event that happened in Holcomb, Kansas, 1959. A family of four is murdered in their house in cold bloodRead MoreCold Blood : The Trial Of The Century966 Words   |  4 PagesIn Cold Blood verses the Trial of the Century Timelines and storytelling are two of the important aspects of any trial which occurs in the American Courts. The story of â€Å"In Cold Blood† by Truman Capote’s original publication in a four part article in The New Yorker, In Cold Blood was turned into a movie, some would say a documentary of the mass murder, it mirrors the crime O.J. Simpson was accused of in many aspects as being brutal and deliberate but as in both instances the stories appear to bring

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