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Friday, December 27, 2019

The Issue Of The Second Amendment - 2248 Words

The Second Amendment removes the definition of militia. It supports the freedom and the security of a person to keep and bear Arms. This is said to be necessary and allowed in a free state, and the rights of the citizens shall not be infringed. No one should have to fear their safety. Whatever measures need to be taken to ensure the safety of the citizens should be taken. The main goal of the Second Amendment is to ensure people’s safety. A very popular debate statement is whether the government should have stronger regulations on the restrictions of gun usage. â€Å"In United States v. Cruikshank, 92 U.S. 542, 553 (1875), the Court stated that the Second Amendment â€Å"has no other effect than to restrict the powers of the national government,† and in Presser v. Illinois , 116 U.S. 252, 265 (1886), the Court reiterated that the Second Amendment â€Å"is a limitation only upon the power of Congress and the National government, and not upon that of the States.† Although most of the rights in the Bill of Rights have been selectively incorporated (PDF) into the rights guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment and thus cannot be impaired by state governments, the Second Amendment has never been so incorporated.† A well-known group that is against increasing the regulations on guns is the National Rifle Association. They are a group who is dedicated to protecting firearms ownership and use. They work every day to inform the public about the need and respect of gun ownership. They holdShow MoreRelatedThe Issue Of The Second Amendment1035 Words   |  5 PagesYou Can Have My Gun When You Pry It from My Cold Dead Hands Those that oppose upholding the Second Amendment should consider the following scenario: It is the middle of the night, an armed intruder breaks into a home in a well-lit residential neighborhood; the intruder knows the home owners are home, and despite this knowledge, illegally enters the home. The father, awakened by the noise, listens for a second and realizes that someone has broken into his home. Concerned for the safety of his familyRead MoreThe Issue Of The Second Amendment1704 Words   |  7 PagesThe Second Amendment is one of the most controversial amendments in today’s society. There are commonly two sides that fight with each other over the definition of this amendment. The pro-gun, or what is commonly referred to as â€Å"gun nuts†, have the firm belief that the American people have the right to not only carry a gun, but to carry any type of gun that they want, while anti-gun groups want to get rid of the right to carry a gun all together unless that perso n is a soldier or police officer.Read MoreSocial Issues Of Gun Control1424 Words   |  6 PagesThe issue of guns is one of the most prominent social problems in the United States, and every time after the shooting incident, the voice of gun control became to rise and the debate of banning guns emerge again. What People can do is only to offer their condolences, griefs and protests for gun violence, and stand for moments of silence. People still don’t have any law of gun control in return even if in the face of these bloody statistics. Because this issue is not just a simple social problemRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Control Essay734 Words   |  3 Pages Almost every American knows about the situation with gun control. Does the second amendment give us the right to keep gun? Does the second amendment not give us the right to keep gun? Who should have guns? Should anybody have Guns? People ask and debate these questions every day. Gun violence has greatly increased in the l ast fifteen years. School shootings seem like a weekly thing now and it is heartbreaking and time to change the laws and protect are citizens better. Some people believe the governmentRead MoreThe Battle Between Gun Control and Gun Rights Essay1113 Words   |  5 Pagesright to bear arms according to the Second Amendment has been a hotly contested issue for many years in American history. The matter has been one of the most controversial issues in the second half of the twentieth century and into the twenty-first; disputed between politicians on the liberal and conservative side along with issues such as abortion, capital punishment, and gay marriage. The Supreme Court has officially defined the controversial Second Amendment by stating that states have the rightRead MoreGun Control And The Second Amendment1179 Words   |  5 Pages13 colonies. The Second Amendment has been up for many debates, especially in the recent light of mass shootings in the US. But does the entire remova l and ban of firearms really work? Gun control and the second amendment has been a never ending conflict between politicians. As we look further into gun control there are more draw backs for the citizens than benefits. The Second Amendment was ratified to the US Constitution on December 17, 1791 by Congress. The Second Amendment states â€Å"A well-regulatedRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Gun Control828 Words   |  4 Pagesbeen engaged in fierce struggle over the gun issue since the 1960s when gun violence became prominent in U.S. society. According to Robert Spitzer who is a political science professor at the State University of New York states: â€Å"the furor over gun control has raged across the American landscape for decades, with a sustained intensity and intractability found in few other issues† (Spitzer). In order to have a comprehensive view of the gun control issue, it is important to look into the argumentsRead MoreThe Debate on Gun Control and the Second Amendment Essay1132 Words   |  5 Pagessuperior. The introduction of the Second Amendment opens up the controversial, yet well anticipated opportunity for United State citizens to be able to own guns. Americans enjoy the b enefit of being able to own guns for decades over people in other countries. People can buy guns and carry them around in public. They own guns for many reasons such as to hunt, to protect themselves, and simply to satisfy their desire of owning a gun, but in recent years, the issue of people carry guns has become aRead MoreArgumentative Essay On Gun Control1397 Words   |  6 Pages The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution protects the right of the people to bear arms and was adopted on December 15, 1791, as part of the first ten amendments located in the Bill of Rights. Since then there have been many attempts to create stricter gun control legislation and this leads to the argument whether or not this is an attack on the 2nd  Amendment? The Bill of Rights amendments adds to the Constitution specific guarantees of personal freedoms and  rights. The Second AmendmentRead MoreEssay on Gun Ownership and the Second Amendment of the Constitution1624 Words   |  7 Pagesand the Second Amendment Over the centuries, the Supreme Court has always ruled that the 2nd Amendment protects the states militias rights to bear arms, and that this protection does not extend to individuals. In fact, legal scholars consider the issue settled law. For this reason, the gun lobby does not fight for its perceived constitutional right to keep and bear arms before the Supreme Court, but in Congress. Interestingly, even interpreting an individual right in the 2nd Amendment presents

Thursday, December 19, 2019

What Causes People s Behaviors Change Over Time Essay

What causes people’s behaviors change over time? It is the society shift as a whole or it is the little things that gradually affects humans? Each generation has its own special traits, and these traits are depending on the surrounding environment-immediate context. The Immediate context is words or behaviors that people are using nowadays have their meanings, which connects to surrounding environment. For example, the idea of self-esteem is one of the words that arise by the generation in 1990s. The words do not appear suddenly; instead, words are appearing because of the surrounding environment and people’s beliefs are changing and then this new idea appears. In The Power of Context, the author Malcolm Gladwell, introduces that people’s beliefs and convictions do not really matter to the society because people’s actions are changing the surrounding environment. There are little things that exist in the surrounding environment that influences human behav iors, which is the main reason that social changes have occurred. In An Army of One: Me, the author Jean Twenge, compares situations under the idea of ‘self-esteem† and the society is over-popularized the idea of â€Å"me†. This social problem causes the unbalanced understanding of normal tasks and over trended to individualism and self-centered. However, this problem is gradually being fixed because people’s identities are changing under various situations. People now have become more responsible to the society because ofShow MoreRelatedThe Diagnosis Of AlzheimerS Is A Very Important Step Within1516 Words   |  7 PagesThe diagnosis of Alzheimer s is a very important step within the disease. Diagnosing Alzheimer’s could potentially alleviate the symptoms and slow down the disease if treated properly. 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The reasons to thinking about life after recovery refers back to the beginning when they’reRead MoreDementia Is The Only Cause Death That Does Not Have A Cure972 Words   |  4 PagesDementia is the only cause of death that does not have a cure and cannot be prevented. It is the loss of mental functions such as thinking, memory, and reasoning that is severe enough to interfere with a person s daily functioning. Dementia is not the name of a specific disease itself, but rather a group of symptoms that are caused by various diseases or conditions. This is referred to as an u mbrella term, a phrase that covers a broad interval or set of functions or items that all fall under a singleRead MoreEngstrom Auto Mirror Plant : Motivating942 Words   |  4 Pagesintent of this milestone is to analyze the case study entitled â€Å"Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant: Motivating in Good Times and Bad†. Throughout the case study numerous known organizational issues were presented. Human behavior theories are connected with reasonably information to explain the numerous root causes related to the issues from a human conduct point of view. By investigating these causes I will acknowledge the breakdown with tenacious research proof. I went into depth with my examination of threeRead MoreAlzheimer s Research Paper : Alzheimer And Its Symptoms1703 Words   |  7 Pagesso similar. Many people have a false recollection of Alzheimer’s disease and its symptoms. Many believe that people only get Alzheimer’s as a result of aging. Alzheimer’s disease is not a disease that happens because the human body gets worn down, but because of a change occurring in the human brain. Alzheimer’s is a serious disease that needs to to be acknowledged not just by the the elderly, but by everyone. Alzheimer’s has become the most common type of dementia (What is Alzheimer’s). Read MoreBorderline Personality Disorder : Psychological Disorder1333 Words   |  6 PagesMrs. Kline 22 November 2015 Borderline Personality Disorder When instructed to write a 3-5 page paper over a psychological disorder I wondered to myself what disorder could I do to interest me enough to take so much time to look into. What one disorder would I have to force myself to research and write about that would not be completely painful? This is when I decided to write my paper over the Borderline Personality Disorder, the disorder Mrs. Kline refers to as the crazy girlfriend disorder whichRead MoreKimble s Theory Of Learning Essay1494 Words   |  6 Pagespermanent change in behavioral potentiality that occurs as a result of reinforced practice. The five aspects or parts of Kimble’s theory of learning are the following: First, the change in behavior. The result of learning must always be translated into measurable behavior. In other words, after learning, learners do something that they did not do before learning took place. Second, this behavioral change is relatively permanent; that is, it is neither transitory nor fixed. Third, the change in behaviorRead MoreAlzheimer s Disease : A Type Of Dementia1154 Words   |  5 Pagesdementia that causes problems with your memory and behavior. Dementia is a term for the severe loss of mental ability that it interferes with your daily life. This is caused by damage to the brain cells. Alzheimer s disease is the most common type of dementia and is characterized by gradual declines mental abilities (Journal of Clinical Diagnostic Research, 2016). The disease slowly attacks nerve cells in all parts of the brain and some surrounding structures, that impairs a person s abilities toRead MoreConcussions Or Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries958 Words   |  4 Pagesconsequences. However, there now is significant evidence that neurological even with what is thought to be a mild injury, physiological, and cognitive changes can occur. Individuals sustaining mild brain injuries often report an assortment of physical, cognitive, and emotional/behavioral symptoms referred to as post concussion syndrome (PCS). There are many symptoms associated with PCS, but these symptoms are often mistaken as behavior, mood, and/or adjustment disorders. A concussion is a type of traumatic brainRead MoreThe Difference Between Dementia And Alzheimer s Disease1523 Words   |  7 Pagesdifference between Dementia and Alzheimer s disease. Dementia is not a disease, it is a term used to describe Neurological conditions that involves some form of serious mental disorder such as memory loss, confusion, and impaired judgment. Alzheimer s is an actual disease, which is a form of Dementia and the most common type of Dementia; it is accountable for 60% - 80% of all cases of Dementia. Dementia has been around for many years dating back to the 1900 s. Dementia refers to a group of symptoms

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Question: How effective is cognitive behavioral therapy in treating stress related disorders? Answer: Introduction People react in a different way to the stressful occasions as well as these kinds of responses are contingent upon several elements for example the temperament, which could impact precisely how the stressor is generally thought of. Stress model is one of psychological model that attempt to explain on the behavior that is predispositional vulnerability together with the stress in the life experiences (Antoni, Lutgendorf, Blomberg, Carver, Lechner, Diaz Cole, 2012). The model serve to explore on how the biological or the genetic traits interact with the environmental influence- the stressor to produce on the disorders. Anxiety alternatively could be non-specific; it is the internal foresight of something, which might occur. Nevertheless anxiety may cause stress an example when someone imagines the effects of getting late. The anxiety ailments usually are prevalent tending to be incapacitating not to mention chronic, with the patience going through distress for countless years. Over th e decades, the research has shown that anxiety is multi-dimensional and can occur due to the biological elements such as the increased levels of serotonin (Otte, 2011). Nonetheless, the past research has highlighted that empirical support on the stress model in literature in that anxiety could be hyperactivity in the amygdala areas in the brain that leads to the higher levels of neuroticism and anxiety. Persons, who may have the inclination in relation to neurotism, will probably encounter anxiety problems as well as disrupted energy flows due to stressors (Hofmann, Asnaani, Vonk, Sawyer Fang, 2012). You can find psychological treatment method as well as interventions that focusses on the cognitive procedures and behavioral responses that make an effort to enlighten on the acquisition or even continuation of anxiety conditions. The aim of the essay is on the literature review would examine on the efficacy of CBT interventions on the therapy of anxiety as well as stress affiliated i ssues. Additionally, the analysis will certainly look at on the anxiety disorders, and cognitive behavioral therapy. Literature Review As outlined by the diagnostic as well as the Statistical Manual of the psychological problems classifies the anxiety problems into three groups they are; the obsessive-compulsive problems, anxiousness disorders land the trauma and stress related disorders (Hofmann, Asnaani, Vonk, Sawyer Fang, 2012). The anxiousness ailments incorporates confounding variable on the various disorders the sociable phobia, agoraphobia, and separation anxiety disorders. The obsessive-compulsive disorders might lead to the post-traumatic stress problems along with the acute stress disorder. The Diagnostic and statistical guide classifies anxiety highlights dependent on the relationship that exits between the ailments as well as the prospect of comorbidity which can exists between the facet of anxiety , depression and also stress (Beck, 2011). The intent behind the CBT would be to alter the detrimental; the maladaptive believed patterns, along with the behaviour to positive means of coping with the difficu lties, which are associated with stress. Therapy is generally non-directive and psychologist challenges the patient on the side beliefs enabling them to build methods to handle of the stress more efficiently in the prolonged period to offer any specific relapse. As per meta-analyses of 267 researches by Hoffman (2012) positioned that the most reliable outcomes were for the anxiety and disorders and normal stress. The research that compared 65 clients were generic anxiety disorder, which were allotted randomly to among the 3 groups (Everly Jr Lating, 2012). The current study support the methodology of stress mode that the stressful, which is derived from more than the single factor and intents to, investigates on factors affecting anxiety and stress in individual such as personalities, which may mediates on the aggressive behavior. The independent variable is the age group of the young people and the old individuals of age group between 16-21, 21-24, 32-38, 38-42 and dependent variable was stress and anxiety. On the current studies hypothesis there would be a difference in the stressful scores on the stress aspect in at least to two of the conditions (Everly Jr Lating, 2012). There was a great stressful to the older people as they showed they experienced more stress as the young individuals have lower stressful score on anxiety. The design for the study is the experimental research the primary distinction is between the subject in which the subject experiences one level of the independent variable and the approach that the participant experiences to all the levels of the independent variable. Therefore, the participant are tested on one condition (Beck, 2011). The sample size is 200 individuals of one hundred are the young people aged between 16-21 and the old aged between 32-45 years of age. The two-tailed ANOVA would be used because of more than one variable in the study. There are questionnaires that will be used to measure on the stressful level. When filing of the questionnaire each individual should not manipulate information through copying or sharing the information rather should be truthful Otte (2011). The follow-through procedure will occur around 6 to twelve or even 24 months after the involvement and consisted of self-report and clinician rankings. References Antoni, M. H., Lutgendorf, S. K., Blomberg, B., Carver, C. S., Lechner, S., Diaz, A., Cole,S. W. (2012). Cognitive-behavioral stress management reverses anxiety-related leukocyte transcriptional dynamics. Biological psychiatry, 71(4), 366-372. Beck, J. S. (2011). Cognitive behavior therapy: Basics and beyond. Guilford Press. Everly Jr, G. S., Lating, J. M. (2012). A clinical guide to the treatment of the human stress response. Springer Science Business Media. Hofmann, S. G., Asnaani, A., Vonk, I. J., Sawyer, A. T., Fang, A. (2012). The efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy: a review of meta-analyses. Cognitive therapy and research,36(5), 427-440. Otte, C. (2011). Cognitive behavioral therapy in anxiety disorders: current state of the evidence. Dialogues Clin Neurosci, 13(4), 413-421. Southwick, S. M., Charney, D. S. (2012). The science of resilience: implications for the prevention and treatment of depression. Science, 338(6103), 79-82.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Tactics During The Revolutionary War Essay Example For Students

Tactics During The Revolutionary War Essay Eric Heppen Period 7 AP American History February 1,2000 The American Tactics of the Revolutionary War Biography and Footnotes_________ Research___________ Critical Analysis___________ Historical Interpretation___________ Technical ___________ Content___________ Originality___________ Style of writing___________ Prove thesis ___________ We will write a custom essay on Tactics During The Revolutionary War specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Eric HeppenAmerican History Term Paper December 13, 1999Period 7 The American Tactics of the Revolutionary War Most of Europe thought that the British with their immense amount of capital, soldiers and supplies would beat the American resistance in the American revolutionary war without much of an effort. However the Patriots realized, from their earliest difficulties, to capitalize on the enemys weaknesses. Guerrilla warfare and a strategy that emanated from the ability to manipulate events to their own benefit enabled the Americans to defeat the ostensibly more powerful British. The Americans suffered great abuse from their mother country. The British laid upon the Americans heavy taxes between the years 1764 to the middle of 1776. They created such taxes in the Sugar Act, Townshend Act, Tea Act, the Intolerable Acts and many other acts. These acts over the course of the years destroyed much of the faith that Americans had in the British government. The greater portion of the population thought the British were inadequate rulers and that they could do a much better job in ruling themselves . The Americans were tired of the Quartering Act which let British troops be housed in their own homes. They didnt enjoy housing British troops so that their families could be spied upon or have their children raped. The least the Americans thought they deserved was the right to have a representation in Parliament and the right to settle the land over the Appalachian Mountains . If the farmers could have more land to work on, the Americans could have a surplus of food to ship to other countries creating a better economy for the American people. Over the course of about twenty-five years the Americans sent over 500 bills to the British House Of Trade trying to repeal the economic acts that Britain laid down upon them . The Americans also tried to convince the British to let them have the ability to trade with other countries. If the British would have allowed this the common people of American would have been doing better economically; the percent of poor people would have been lowered greatly and the average income would have gone up a great deal . The reason it would have gone up so much is that Britain controlled the prices of products. The British decided how much they would buy a product for from the Americans and charge them two or three times as much to buy it back. All the American people really wanted was to be treated properly. As Thomas Paine said in Common Sense the British treated the Americans like an abusive mother would treat her child. Due to the economic hardships the Americans suffered they knew that they were going to face many problems in the war. The Americans knew that the British had a larger supply of men ranging from more experienced generals to more soldiers . The British had such a surplus of income from all of their colonies that they were able hire and supply mercenaries from Germany to come and fight in America. They had a stronger navy and a lot more artillery than the Americans had. The Americans faced many other disadvantages such as lack of guns, ammunition, food, clothing, and most of all they were heavily outnumbered by men . The British had most advantages except for three main things. The first of all the British had a harder time setting up their supply line because they were so far away from any major base . Their main head quarters was on Long Island. The British had a difficult time setting up a supply line outside of New York and New Jersey to feed, clothe, and keep in contact with their men. The second disadvantage was that the American generals knew the land and terrain where they were fighting a lot better then the British generals did . .u4c21f670552edadf56d001dc48ad44b8 , .u4c21f670552edadf56d001dc48ad44b8 .postImageUrl , .u4c21f670552edadf56d001dc48ad44b8 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u4c21f670552edadf56d001dc48ad44b8 , .u4c21f670552edadf56d001dc48ad44b8:hover , .u4c21f670552edadf56d001dc48ad44b8:visited , .u4c21f670552edadf56d001dc48ad44b8:active { border:0!important; } .u4c21f670552edadf56d001dc48ad44b8 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u4c21f670552edadf56d001dc48ad44b8 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u4c21f670552edadf56d001dc48ad44b8:active , .u4c21f670552edadf56d001dc48ad44b8:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u4c21f670552edadf56d001dc48ad44b8 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u4c21f670552edadf56d001dc48ad44b8 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u4c21f670552edadf56d001dc48ad44b8 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u4c21f670552edadf56d001dc48ad44b8 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u4c21f670552edadf56d001dc48ad44b8:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u4c21f670552edadf56d001dc48ad44b8 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u4c21f670552edadf56d001dc48ad44b8 .u4c21f670552edadf56d001dc48ad44b8-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u4c21f670552edadf56d001dc48ad44b8:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: History Of Baseball Essay Thesis The American Generals knew how to deal with certain weather issues and turned it to their advantage. The Americans could plan out strategies based on land and terrain rather than . Tactics During The Revolutionary War Essay Example For Students Tactics During The Revolutionary War Essay Eric Heppen Period 7 AP American History February 1,2000 The American Tactics of the Revolutionary War Biography and Footnotes_________ Research___________ Critical Analysis___________ Historical Interpretation___________ Technical ___________ Content___________ Originality___________ Style of writing___________ Prove thesis ___________ We will write a custom essay on Tactics During The Revolutionary War specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Eric HeppenAmerican History Term Paper December 13, 1999Period 7 The American Tactics of the Revolutionary War Most of Europe thought that the British with their immense amount of capital, soldiers and supplies would beat the American resistance in the American revolutionary war without much of an effort. However the Patriots realized, from their earliest difficulties, to capitalize on the enemys weaknesses. Guerrilla warfare and a strategy that emanated from the ability to manipulate events to their own benefit enabled the Americans to defeat the ostensibly more powerful British. The Americans suffered great abuse from their mother country. The British laid upon the Americans heavy taxes between the years 1764 to the middle of 1776. They created such taxes in the Sugar Act, Townshend Act, Tea Act, the Intolerable Acts and many other acts. These acts over the course of the years destroyed much of the faith that Americans had in the British government. The greater portion of the population thought the British were inadequate rulers and that they could do a much better job in ruling themselves . The Americans were tired of the Quartering Act which let British troops be housed in their own homes. They didnt enjoy housing British troops so that their families could be spied upon or have their children raped. The least the Americans thought they deserved was the right to have a representation in Parliament and the right to settle the land over the Appalachian Mountains . If the farmers could have more land to work on, the Americans could have a surplus of food to ship to other countries creating a better economy for the American people. Over the course of about twenty-five years the Americans sent over 500 bills to the British House Of Trade trying to repeal the economic acts that Britain laid down upon them . The Americans also tried to convince the British to let them have the ability to trade with other countries. If the British would have allowed this the common people of American would have been doing better economically; the percent of poor people would have been lowered greatly and the average income would have gone up a great deal . The reason it would have gone up so much is that Britain controlled the prices of products. The British decided how much they would buy a product for from the Americans and charge them two or three times as much to buy it back. All the American people really wanted was to be treated properly. As Thomas Paine said in Common Sense the British treated the Americans like an abusive mother would treat her child. Due to the economic hardships the Americans suffered they knew that they were going to face many problems in the war. The Americans knew that the British had a larger supply of men ranging from more experienced generals to more soldiers . The British had such a surplus of income from all of their colonies that they were able hire and supply mercenaries from Germany to come and fight in America. They had a stronger navy and a lot more artillery than the Americans had. The Americans faced many other disadvantages such as lack of guns, ammunition, food, clothing, and most of all they were heavily outnumbered by men . The British had most advantages except for three main things. The first of all the British had a harder time setting up their supply line because they were so far away from any major base . Their main head quarters was on Long Island. The British had a difficult time setting up a supply line outside of New York and New Jersey to feed, clothe, and keep in contact with their men. The second disadvantage was that the American generals knew the land and terrain where they were fighting a lot better then the British generals did . .ue3d4b150c100bf532efd5ba956073509 , .ue3d4b150c100bf532efd5ba956073509 .postImageUrl , .ue3d4b150c100bf532efd5ba956073509 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue3d4b150c100bf532efd5ba956073509 , .ue3d4b150c100bf532efd5ba956073509:hover , .ue3d4b150c100bf532efd5ba956073509:visited , .ue3d4b150c100bf532efd5ba956073509:active { border:0!important; } .ue3d4b150c100bf532efd5ba956073509 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue3d4b150c100bf532efd5ba956073509 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue3d4b150c100bf532efd5ba956073509:active , .ue3d4b150c100bf532efd5ba956073509:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue3d4b150c100bf532efd5ba956073509 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue3d4b150c100bf532efd5ba956073509 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue3d4b150c100bf532efd5ba956073509 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue3d4b150c100bf532efd5ba956073509 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue3d4b150c100bf532efd5ba956073509:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue3d4b150c100bf532efd5ba956073509 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue3d4b150c100bf532efd5ba956073509 .ue3d4b150c100bf532efd5ba956073509-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue3d4b150c100bf532efd5ba956073509:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Nursing Career Essay The American Generals knew how to deal with certain weather issues and turned it to their advantage. The Americans could plan out strategies based on land and terrain rather than . Tactics During The Revolutionary War Essay Example For Students Tactics During The Revolutionary War Essay Word Count: 2738 Eric Heppen Period 7 AP American History February 1,2000 The American Tactics of the Revolutionary War We will write a custom essay on Tactics During The Revolutionary War specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Biography and Footnotes_________ Research___________ Critical Analysis___________ Historical Interpretation___________ Technical ___________ Content___________ Originality___________ Style of writing___________ Prove thesis ___________ Eric HeppenAmerican History Term Paper December 13, 1999Period 7 The American Tactics of the Revolutionary War Most of Europe thought that the British with their immense amount of capital, soldiers and supplies would beat the American resistance in the American revolutionary war without much of an effort. However the Patriots realized, from their earliest difficulties, to capitalize on the enemys weaknesses. Guerrilla warfare and a strategy that emanated from the ability to manipulate events to their own benefit enabled the Americans to defeat the ostensibly more powerful British. The Americans suffered great abuse from their mother country. The British laid upon the Americans heavy taxes between the years 1764 to the middle of 1776. They created such taxes in the Sugar Act, Townshend Act, Tea Act, the Intolerable Acts and many other acts. These acts over the course of the years destroyed much of the faith that Americans had in the British government. The greater portion of the population thought the British were inadequate rulers and that they could do a much better job in ruling themselves . The Americans were tired of the Quartering Act which let British troops be housed in their own homes. They didnt enjoy housing British troops so that their families could be spied upon or have their children raped. The least the Americans thought they deserved was the right to have a representation in Parliament and the right to settle the land over the Appalachian Mountains . If the farmers could have more land to work on, the Americans could have a surplus of food to ship to other countries creating a better economy for the American people. Over the course of about twenty-five years the Americans sent over 500 bills to the British House Of Trade trying to repeal the economic acts that Britain laid down upon them . The Americans also tried to convince the British to let them have the ability to trade with other countries. If the British would have allowed this the common people of American would have been doing better economically; the percent of poor people would have been lowered greatly and the average income would have gone up a great deal . The reason it would have gone up so much is that Britain controlled the prices of products. The British decided how much they would buy a product for from the Americans and charge them two or three times as much to buy it back. All the American people really wanted was to be treated properly. As Thomas Paine said in Common Sense the British treated the Americans like an abusive mother would treat her child. Due to the economic hardships the Americans suffered they knew that they were going to face many problems in the war. The Americans knew that the British had a larger supply of men ranging from more experienced generals to more soldiers . The British had such a surplus of income from all of their colonies that they were able hire and supply mercenaries from Germany to come and fight in America. They had a stronger navy and a lot more artillery than the Americans had. The Americans faced many other disadvantages such as lack of guns, ammunition, food, clothing, and most of all they were heavily outnumbered by men . The British had most advantages except for three main things. The first of all the British had a harder time setting up their supply line because they were so far away from any major base . Their main head quarters was on Long Island. The British had a difficult time setting up a supply line outside of New York and New Jersey to feed, clothe, and keep in contact with their men. The second disadvantage was that the American generals knew the land and terrain where they were fighting a lot better then the British generals did . .u6481bc1f6c7bd03d81885673a9f7bc22 , .u6481bc1f6c7bd03d81885673a9f7bc22 .postImageUrl , .u6481bc1f6c7bd03d81885673a9f7bc22 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6481bc1f6c7bd03d81885673a9f7bc22 , .u6481bc1f6c7bd03d81885673a9f7bc22:hover , .u6481bc1f6c7bd03d81885673a9f7bc22:visited , .u6481bc1f6c7bd03d81885673a9f7bc22:active { border:0!important; } .u6481bc1f6c7bd03d81885673a9f7bc22 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6481bc1f6c7bd03d81885673a9f7bc22 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6481bc1f6c7bd03d81885673a9f7bc22:active , .u6481bc1f6c7bd03d81885673a9f7bc22:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6481bc1f6c7bd03d81885673a9f7bc22 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6481bc1f6c7bd03d81885673a9f7bc22 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6481bc1f6c7bd03d81885673a9f7bc22 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6481bc1f6c7bd03d81885673a9f7bc22 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6481bc1f6c7bd03d81885673a9f7bc22:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6481bc1f6c7bd03d81885673a9f7bc22 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6481bc1f6c7bd03d81885673a9f7bc22 .u6481bc1f6c7bd03d81885673a9f7bc22-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6481bc1f6c7bd03d81885673a9f7bc22:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Frederick Douglass Essay The American Generals knew how to deal with certain weather issues and turned it to their advantage. The Americans could plan out strategies based on land and terrain rather than sheer numbers, . Tactics During The Revolutionary War Essay Example For Students Tactics During The Revolutionary War Essay Eric Heppen Period 7 AP American History We will write a custom essay on Tactics During The Revolutionary War specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now February 1,2000 The American Tactics of the Revolutionary War Biography and Footnotes_________ Research___________ Critical Analysis___________ Historical Interpretation___________ Technical ___________ Content___________ Originality___________ Style of writing___________ Prove thesis ___________ Eric HeppenAmerican History Term Paper December 13, 1999Period 7 The American Tactics of the Revolutionary War Most of Europe thought that the British with their immense amount of capital, soldiers and supplies would beat the American resistance in the American revolutionary war without much of an effort. However the Patriots realized, from their earliest difficulties, to capitalize on the enemys weaknesses. Guerrilla warfare and a strategy that emanated from the ability to manipulate events to their own benefit enabled the Americans to defeat the ostensibly more powerful British. The Americans suffered great abuse from their mother country. The British laid upon the Americans heavy taxes between the years 1764 to the middle of 1776. They created such taxes in the Sugar Act, Townshend Act, Tea Act, the Intolerable Acts and many other acts. These acts over the course of the years destroyed much of the faith that Americans had in the British government. The greater portion of the population thought the British were inadequate rulers and that they could do a much better job in ruling themselves . The Americans were tired of the Quartering Act which let British troops be housed in their own homes. They didnt enjoy housing British troops so that their families could be spied upon or have their children raped. The least the Americans thought they deserved was the right to have a representation in Parliament and the right to settle the land over the Appalachian Mountains . If the farmers could have more land to work on, the Americans could have a surplus of food to ship to other countries creating a better economy for the American people. Over the course of about twenty-five years the Americans sent over 500 bills to the British House Of Trade trying to repeal the economic acts that Britain laid down upon them . The Americans also tried to convince the British to let them have the ability to trade with other countries. If the British would have allowed this the common people of American would have been doing better economically; the percent of poor people would have been lowered greatly and the average income would have gone up a great deal . The reason it would have gone up so much is that Britain controlled the prices of products. The British decided how much they would buy a product for from the Americans and charge them two or three times as much to buy it back. All the American people really wanted was to be treated properly. As Thomas Paine said in Common Sense the British treated the Americans like an abusive mother would treat her child. Due to the economic hardships the Americans suffered they knew that they were going to face many problems in the war. The Americans knew that the British had a larger supply of men ranging from more experienced generals to more soldiers . The British had such a surplus of income from all of their colonies that they were able hire and supply mercenaries from Germany to come and fight in America. They had a stronger navy and a lot more artillery than the Americans had. The Americans faced many other disadvantages such as lack of guns, ammunition, food, clothing, and most of all they were heavily outnumbered by men . The British had most advantages except for three main things. The first of all the British had a harder time setting up their supply line because they were so far away from any major base . Their main head quarters was on Long Island. The British had a difficult time setting up a supply line outside of New York and New Jersey to feed, clothe, and keep in contact with their men. .u066ab5bfcccc80681a5f7b1c5a5696e9 , .u066ab5bfcccc80681a5f7b1c5a5696e9 .postImageUrl , .u066ab5bfcccc80681a5f7b1c5a5696e9 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u066ab5bfcccc80681a5f7b1c5a5696e9 , .u066ab5bfcccc80681a5f7b1c5a5696e9:hover , .u066ab5bfcccc80681a5f7b1c5a5696e9:visited , .u066ab5bfcccc80681a5f7b1c5a5696e9:active { border:0!important; } .u066ab5bfcccc80681a5f7b1c5a5696e9 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u066ab5bfcccc80681a5f7b1c5a5696e9 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u066ab5bfcccc80681a5f7b1c5a5696e9:active , .u066ab5bfcccc80681a5f7b1c5a5696e9:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u066ab5bfcccc80681a5f7b1c5a5696e9 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u066ab5bfcccc80681a5f7b1c5a5696e9 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u066ab5bfcccc80681a5f7b1c5a5696e9 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u066ab5bfcccc80681a5f7b1c5a5696e9 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u066ab5bfcccc80681a5f7b1c5a5696e9:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u066ab5bfcccc80681a5f7b1c5a5696e9 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u066ab5bfcccc80681a5f7b1c5a5696e9 .u066ab5bfcccc80681a5f7b1c5a5696e9-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u066ab5bfcccc80681a5f7b1c5a5696e9:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Campiegn Finace EssayThe second disadvantage was that the American generals knew the land and terrain where they were fighting a lot better then the British generals did . The American Generals knew how to deal with certain weather issues and turned it to their advantage. The Americans could plan out strategies based on land and terrain rather than sheer numbers, which .

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

War Essay Research Paper WarIn both Saving free essay sample

War Essay, Research Paper War In both Saving Private Ryan and The Thin Red Line, a repeating subject appeared to be the impact of war on the common soldier. Through a assortment of different scenarios, the spectator is exposed to the day-to-day adversities that one must digest while in conflict. The soldiers are continuously walking a all right line between life and decease, and their morale and doggedness does non get away unharmed. The gap scene in Salvaging Private Ryan was really instrumental in exemplifying the horror that is war. The lone thing dividing the life from the dead was speedy thought and a whole batch of fortune. One adult male is shot in the caput, but lives with the aid of his helmet. As he takes his helmet off, gazing at it in astonishment and alleviation, a slug finds his open skull, killing him immediately. Another adult male lying on the beach has been shot in the venters, and is easy shed blooding to decease. We will write a custom essay sample on War Essay Research Paper WarIn both Saving or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As the trefoil and several other soldiers work indefatigably to coagulate the hemorrhage, the adult male begins to come about. The hemorrhage is stopped. Seconds subsequently he is killed by a slug to the caput. It is by opportunity that a soldier sees the land beyond the beach. The Thin Red Line paints a really similar image. Each adult male lives twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours, neer cognizing if he will populate to see the following. One captain, valuing the lives of his work forces, refuses to follow the bid of another officer. Feeling the onslaught to be excessively dearly-won, he argues hotly with the officer, until finally being relieved of his place. The loss of life is endurable. It is the promotion of the ground forces that counts. Each adult male seems to cover with this life and decease state of affairs in his ain manner. One immature soldier named Jackson, from Salvaging Private Ryan, is a really spiritual individual. Each clip he is about to kill person, he prays, snoging his cross and inquiring for forgiveness for the flagitious offenses that he is about to perpetrate. This appears to be comforting to him. In The Thin Red Line, another adult male is comforted merely by images of his married woman and the love they portion. The love that he feels for her is so strong that he is non afraid to decease, cognizing that if he does, he will wait for her forever. Why would I be afraid to decease, I belong to you? he says. The morale and finding of the soldiers was besides greatly affected by the daze of what war was realistically, versus what American propaganda made it out to be. What the propaganda was designed to make, and what it accomplished, was a vision of gallantry, a vision of contending for justness, contending for those who can non support themselves. It was all responsibility and award and duty to one s state. When faced with the worlds of war, with the battle of killing those who you have neer even met, a soldier is thrust into the function of the hero and the scoundrel, the capturer and the prisoner. It was a function that non all the soldiers were able and willing to accept. Both Saving Private Ryan and The Thin Red Line presented the common soldier s brush with war in such a manner that was heartbreaking. The delicate, about unseeable line that separates life from decease would look about intolerable. Given the relentless internal battle in get bying with the possibility of one s ain decease, Thich Nhat Hahn best amounts it up with these simple words: I hold my face in my two custodies. No I am non shouting. I hold my face in my two custodies to maintain the solitariness warm two custodies protecting, two custodies alimentary, two custodies forestalling my psyche from go forthing me in choler.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

A Room of Ones Own essays

A Room of One's Own essays Virginia Woolfs A Room of Ones Own broke new territory in suggesting that the reason there were very few acknowledged womens writers at this time was because women lead hard lives in comparison to men and that the conditions needed to produce women writers was not conducive for them at this time. Her response was that for women to write literature they must have a room of their own, both literaraly and symbolically. This entailed real space and privacy for women to write in, the financial freedom to write without enduring unwanted jobs, women role models and the freedom and power to choose their own career path. Throughout this course the majority of women we have studied have had the privilege of fulfilling these requirements and thus had a room of ones own. Therefore, to be a successful female writer it is essential to have a room of ones own, although I believe that the above requirements are not all necessary and that todays room has changed. Womens lives were made less accessible to writing because of the requirements on women. Women were the wives, cooks, cleaners and employees. Women were responsible for bearing and raising the children and because of this they were at a disadvantage to the opportunities afforded to men. Women simply did not have the time to sit down in a quite room and write and moreover, she argues that women were not allowed until very recently to gain an education parable to mens, and even this is debatable. Throughout time, Woolf argues, women have been slaves, often locked up, not free to choose their partner and frequently beaten by their husbands. Women were shut up in unwanted families that force them to become economically, psychologically and physically dependent on men. How can women write quality literature amid these conditions? Woolf writes, Making a fortune and bearing thirteen children- no human being...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

What Is Meant By Smart Power And How Does Its Application By The Obama Essay

What Is Meant By Smart Power And How Does Its Application By The Obama Administration Differ From The Use Of Hard Power By The Bush Administration - Essay Example These terms are descriptions of the way that American governments deal with other states, especially those states which do not agree with American views. Hard power is the use of forceful tactics such as military actions or economic sanctions. It shows how strong America is, and imposes American views on other people. If the other countries involved are weak, then this can be very effective and President Bush used this kind of approach at the beginning of his first term of office. The invasion of Iraq is a classic example of hard power at work. This tough line was also an important part of President Bush’s election campaign in 2004: â€Å"the Bush administration achieved a greater advantage over Democrats in general and Senator John Kerry in particular on this issue than on any other in the 2004 presidential race.† (Campbell and O’Hanlon: 2006, p. 119) After the 9/11 attack on New York, it was possible to present hard power as a defence tool, not necessarily an a ct of aggression. This made it more acceptable to the American public. Sometimes, however, the opposite of hard power, i.e. soft power is a better approach. People know that America is strong, but they might be more impressed by gentle approaches like aid and support, with diplomatic summits and exchanges of views. America’s culture and image are also aspects of soft power.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Don Martin Limited Marketing Analysis Case Study

Don Martin Limited Marketing Analysis - Case Study Example The business has attempted several strategies to increase its profits, including increasing the prices of its products, increasing production lines, and promoting the business through newspapers and radio. Due to these pitfalls, marketing strategy is exceptionally paramount for the success of the business (Pearce and Hardy 379). Most of the customers in this business are low income earners. They also live within the business jurisdiction. Due to their limited income, these customers require low priced products. To attract more customers from the area, Don Martin limited has decided to open credit account to its customers. Despite offering credit to customers, the business has continued to lose them due to poor services and high cost of its products. Frequent increases in price to maximize profit have, therefore, discouraged customers from shopping in Don Martin limited. To attract more customers and compete effectively in the market, the business should consider reducing the cost of its products. The demographic size in the business location is high. The business is located along the thoroughfare street right in the middle of the city blue-collar district (Michael and Kenneth 379). The business potential customers are blue-collar workers who constitute both middle and lower class males and females. There are different products in the business essential to the potential customers. The number of people in the town where the business is located is high enough to make the business succeed and earn adequate profit. To attract a considerable number of potential customers into the business, the business managers and administrators must consider improving the quality of their services. As confirmed by Don Martin, many customers expect quality services from the salespersons in the business. The business potential customers are middle aged people. Most of the products sold in the store are regularly used by middle aged people. Additionally, most of the blue-collar jobs a re done by energetic middle aged people. Middle aged people buy products from Don Martin limited during weekends and in the evenings. To attract most of these customers, Don Martin administrators should consider offering their services over the weekends and during evening hours. Middle aged people also prefer buying their household products close to their residential areas. Therefore, Don Martins limited should consider opening businesses nears their residential areas. They should also consider improving their services delivery. This is due to the fact that most young people prefer quality services for their money. To attract and retain middle aged customers, the business management should consider advancing its service delivery to potential customers. In the recent past, Don Martin limited has faced severe reduction in its customers due to its poor services. To attract more customers, Don Martin limited should conduct market survey to understand its customers’ needs. The bus inesses should ensure that the relevant products are offered to young people in their area of coverage. On the other hand, the business has also relied on outdated service delivery methods. As observed by Don Martin, the other stores have offered different products for shoppers to compare. Don Martin limited lacks variety of products and services for the potential shoppers to compare. In its early years, Don Martin lim

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Implementation of the Hand-off Communication Tool Assignment

Implementation of the Hand-off Communication Tool - Assignment Example They typically occur during shift changes. Inadequate communication has been cited as a major cause of medical errors (Reisenberg, Leitzsch, & Cunningham, 2010). Researchers who were exploring the causes and nature of human error in intensive care settings found out that verbal communication between nurse and physicians contributed to 37% of medical errors (Reisenberg, Leitzsch, & Cunningham, 2010). In an Australian study, more than 14,000 admissions were investigated. The study revealed that approximately 17% of the cases had an adverse event closely associated to it. Among the 17% of the cases, 11 percent were attributed to communication errors (Reisenberg, Leitzsch, & Cunningham, 2010). According to TRICARE (2005), the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) requires that institutions of healthcare ought to implement a standardized approach to handoff communications in an effort to meet the ever growing need of patient safety. Current Scenario The cur rent tool in use has been associated with a number of delays. Nurses would file reports indicating that beds were not ready; patients missed their medication, nurses themselves not being ready and the absence of vital patient information. A questionnaire was submitted to healthcare personnel in an effort determine the cause of the delays. ... In other clinical nursing scenarios, many errors have been identified that have resulted from communication problems. For instance omission of critical information as a result of poor communication between healthcare personnel, miscommunication that has results in misunderstanding of information, inability of the receiving nurse to contact the ongoing nurse due to communication problems, use of communication tools like reports that often become too routine and result in loss of focus by many healthcare personnel (Ong, &Coiera, 2011). Other problems arising due to absence of standard communication procedure include idle chatting during handoffs that dilutes the importance of handoffs, illegible handwriting in reports, reports with judgmental statements, absence of research on handoffs and data that is in support of best practices, ethnic, cultural and racial barriers which interfere with communication channels, language barriers that frustrate efforts to communicate effectively, and s taff who resist change that comes with implementation of new routines (Reisenberg, Leitzsch, & Cunningham, 2010). Implementation I pass the baton is a technique that was designed with a primary purpose of streamlining the handoff process and have a well established and standardized means of communication. The main idea behind the use of this tool is to minimize information loss and more importantly ensure that exchange of information occurs in a timely manner and with a high level of accuracy. The culture and needs of a healthcare institution often dictate how the technique will be utilized. I pass the baton stands for I-introduction, P-patient, A- assessment, S-situation, S-safety concerns, B-background, A-actions, T-timing, O-ownership, N-next. This tool requires that a

Friday, November 15, 2019

The History And Influence Of Latin Music

The History And Influence Of Latin Music The history and influences of Latin American music started in the 1550 by the Moorish and African slaves. Latin Americas style of music has a mix of European, African, and Indigenous influences. Latin music today is played to celebrate events and many other happy happenings this is where in my essay I will focus in the early times of Latin America, the indigenous civilizations of Aztec, Maya, and Inca had their style of music for rituals and ceremonies, but when the Europeans came in the colonial period, they brought their Roman Catholic religious and also changed the views of many indigenous people including their style of music. At the time European was conquering Latin America, the Europeans brought African slaves for labour, but because they were not allowed to believe in their believes, the African slaves used their own instruments that were brought with them when they were forced into slave trade to create rhythms to communicate, tell stories, and share unspeakable joy which al l created the beat of Lain Music. Lastly I will talk about present Latin music itself and what influences was kept. Oldest musical traditions in Latin America were based on the three great civilizations of Maya, Inca, and Aztec. The three great civilizations played three types of music. The first one was played for pleasure that inspired group singings and dances. The second type was functional music for instance, work songs and martial music. The last type of music was the largest category, it was religious music used for rituals and communication. For the largest category of music, their religion was extremely important to the indigenous people. They had their unique kind of music to please the evil gods to bring good lucky, another to bring good harvest and most importantly the rain god to bring water for drinking and farming. Many of these type of music was played when a ritual was happening, sacrifices would be done at the same time. There were centuries where the music that were heard by authors and music scholars and they would say it was barbaric and frightful. Though many disagreed with t he music of sacrifice, many were impressed by the large variety of detailed instruments ranging from flutes made out of clay, conch shells used like a trumpet, rattles, and drums ranging from different sizes. Music was always played in festivals, and a particular song was played for each big event. Even small villages of Amerindians musicians produce music that is diverse and unique to each village. As the European came in the colonial period, their influenced evolved indigenous style of music to more detailed pieces. When Spain and Portugal started to settle on American land in the colonial period, the Spanish and Portuguese brought their culture along with them especially their Roman Catholic religious believes, where the indigenous people began the use their influence of arts. In this period the indigenous people were beginning to be influenced by their arts and many Europeans played many kinds of their famous music in churches to convert Indians into Catholicism. Their music however did not play a major role in the development in Latin American and especially Brazils popular music. When the Christmas season came, autos were introduced to the Indians and they were highly influenced by the later music of Latin America. At this time, the colonist of Europe brought European instruments and the natives quickly adopted these, but because the Indians tried not to copy the exact instrument, they would construct similar ones but with better quality items. For example the guitar, the Indians would chang e the tuning of the strings or change the guitar box with an armadillo shell. But not till the twenty-first century, the Maya still played their old songs but with European instruments where they shared Mayan roots with both Aztec and Spanish borrowings. Latin America gained independence during the early nineteenth century. With the independence, music shifted its status in leadership. In the nineteenth century the musical life of Latin American started using the piano to produce salon music. Many different kinds of Latin American music were produced but not all kinds were so popular. Italian lyricism, German and French romanticism were the three biggest influences to Latin American composers of the nineteenth century. By the end of nineteenth century, Latin America started to not lean so much towards the European traditions and started to create national music. As this new development of nationalism music, composers started to focus more into folk and popular themes. In this new de velopment, Brazil began to use native melodies to compose their music. The most important development of Latin American music during the Colonial Period was in the sixteenth century when African slaves were sent to the Caribbean Islands and Brazil, and this is where the base of contemporary Latin American music started. Latin American music is highly influenced by European colonization and by the African slaves. The African slaves brought the following characteristics for their style of music: multiple percussive lines, polyrhythms, polymeric vocal polyphony, choreographic features, mystical-religious references, the use of a stanza-refrain form, and specific instrumentation as they were forced into labour on unfamiliar land from salve trades, which created vibrant rhythms and melodies to Latin America from their homeland. The music they play associates with work, play and spiritual purposes because they were not allowed to practise their believes so they create rhythms to communicate, tell stories, and share unspeakable joy. Their music comes in a range for every occasion from lullabies to punishments and because of their diversity, each group of African slaves produce different musical styles with a wide variety of instruments from rattles, to woodwinds, to drums, to stringed instruments. One of t he larger groups known as the Moorish people also known as Afro-Caribbean brought their culture up front and it came forth. In 1776 Moorish people were prohibited to play drums and the Caribbean slaves were allowed, which were just for recreation, entertainment, and the most important, communication. All of these played the traditional Moorish and African rhythms on a drum and the basic beat for Latin American music. The African slaves were always interested in coming up with new rhythms that they liked to play in ensembles of different percussion instruments but because they are rich in rhythmic form, their melodic variation is extremely poor. African beats highly influenced the creation of samba, where ancient drumming and circular dance ritual called the bataque are included. Although the bataque was originally a religious dance, slaves disguised it as a secular celebration because the Portuguese forbade the Africans to practice their sacred beliefs. The word samba first appeared in 1838 where it originally originated from an African dance known as the mesemba but the actual samba dance and music was created in 1917. History has said that the African-Brazilian people in the working class of Rio de Janeiro probably invented the samba. The rhythms of the samba had three roles: to sing, dance, and to parade at carnivals. Ernesto does Santos; a black musician recorded the first samba song in 1916. When Manuel Diniz opened a maxixe academy in Paris, the samba dance gained much popularity in Europe in 1921. Sambas name was for its rhythm, but there were different kinds of samba. The most fast paced and extreme was the batucada. The batucada is both the name for a large samba percussion group and a drumming style with two rhythms mixed together. Latin music is a combination of influences from Africa, Europe, and the indigenous people of Latin America. Latin music is influenced by Spanish songs, African and indigenous rhythms, European classical and popular music from the Catholic Church. In the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, ballad, rhythm, blues, jazz, rocks, reggae, Afro-pop, and hip-hop were created. Rhythms and harmonies are the two elements that help differ Latin music from European and North American music. Many European classical and church influences were incorporated into Afro-Cuban music. The rhythmic structure or the beat is the most distinctive elements in Afro-Cuban music. Latin music is a five-beat pattern called the clave. There are two wooden clave sticks which are used by musicians to tap out the underlying rhythms of a song. Contemporary Latin music shows three main trends. The first are the ones who follow the footsteps in expressing their love for their country in the late nineteenth century or ear ly twentieth century. The second most influential group are composers who seek to accommodate their cultures myths and express their own individuality at the same time. Lastly they are the ones who ignore both the love of their country and cultural myth. Their music is developed along experimental lines. In conclusion Latin American music is a popular music that has a history of cultural mixes. Without the conquest of the Spanish and Europeans, they would never have given influences to the style and also the bring African slaves over for the beat of todays Latin music From Africa to the Aztec and the Inca, the forebears of Latin music have circled the globe for hundreds of years. The unique melodies and instruments played important roles in ancient societies, and they continue to influence millions of musicians in the 21st century

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Summary Red Bull

Marketing Analysis Report With advancements occurring dally to help the American citizen do â€Å"what they Cid' In a more efficient way- Americans are getting more done In less time, thus having more time to do what? Morel This means that the energy it takes to do â€Å"more† is in high demand and highly sought after. Red Bull has a mission- and that is to â€Å"give wings to people and ideas†. Red Bull has a marketing mix that is pretty consistent with that of other energy drink companies in the industry.The price is very affordable- and often the product Is on sale with a quantity discount at any gas station or grocery store. It is available In bulk as well, where the customer would receive a cost break as well. The â€Å"place† Red Bull is available makes It easy to attain- which Is a huge reason why It sold over $5. 2 billion cans last year (Red Bull Official Website, 2013) . It is readily available on almost any daily commute for the on-the-go American. Re d Bull began it's Journey/brand in Austria but is now located in 165 countries making distribution an ease.The Red Bull product is mostly Ready-to-Drink energy drinks, but their sales also consist of branded clothing and promotional Items. Red Bull has a long enough helf life that It Isn't something that typically goes â€Å"bad† – and It usually sells before the expiration date is even an issue. Promotion is something Red Bull is really great at. The brand Is available for those in extreme sports, in the right places at the local stores. The brand knows that it's target market is the 18-30 year old individual and knows how to reach them.When considering an environmental scan for Red Bull, the Information that Is available Is advantageous to the organization. Red Bull recognizes which external companies are it's competition and has devised plans to mitigate the risk of being nferior to those brands. Internally, Red Bull is financed from the operating cash flow and has a healthy financial position. Red Bull is multi-national so it operates in a way that works with the many different governmental systems.The rising sales in nations such as South Africa helped the Red Bull brand to grow by 15. 9% in 2012. (Official Red Bull Website – 2013). When conducting a Marketing Segmentation Analysis- some factors to Include would be age, gender, Income and geographic area. With Red Bull, it is advantageous to note that their target market is 18-30 typically male individuals. Within that target market however, there are different methods that must be used to market to those consumers.The 18-22 year old who consumes Red Bull may have to be reached in a college setting, during extreme sports, or on day-time television as they are not the typical working the 9-5 schedule. 22-30 year olds may have to be reached In professional settings, bar-scenes or on certain televlslon channels. Recognizing the difference in the ages is crucial for the brand. Geographica lly, Red Bull is versatile and has sales across the world- but has larger sales in countries that ave a generally younger aged growing population. Red Bull does come with ethical Issues.There are numerous studies that show that Energy DrlnKs come witn nuge nealtn rlsKs I ne product nasn't Deen around Tor long enough to really be studied over a long period of time- but there have been studies conducted that link Red Bull to heart issues, stroke, growth stunt, and even cancer. Red Bull hasn't been known for any labor issues or integral issues as a company other than not disclosing the many health issues or resolving them in a proactive manner. Red Bull is typically mixed with alcohol in nightclubs and establishments hat serve alcohol.Various health officials have posted warnings to avoid mixing Red Bull with alcohol because of a death that occurred in Hong Kong where a British patron consumed it with alcohol and later died. Linda Rychter, a spokeswoman for Red Bull in Australia, said that the report would be assessed by the companys head office in Austria. She also said, and I quote, â€Å"The study does not show effects which would go beyond that of drinking a cup of coffee.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Hofstede analysis Essay

1. Power distance: the extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organisations within a country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally. 2. Individualism- the degree of interdependence a society maintains among its members. 3. Masculinity / Femininity-The fundamental issue here is what motivates people, wanting to be the best (masculine) or liking what you do (feminine).†¨ 4. Uncertainty avoidance – The extent to which the members of a culture feel threatened by ambiguous or unknown situations and have created beliefs and institutions that try to avoid these †¨ 5. Long term orientation- the extent to which a society shows a pragmatic future-oriented perspective rather than a conventional historical short-term point of view. Power distance Thailand scores 64 on PDI index, slightly lower than the average Asian countries (71). It is a society in which inequalities are accepted; a strict chain of command and protocol are observed. Each rank has its privileges and employees show loyalty, respect and deference for their superiors in return for protection and guidance. This may lead to paternalistic management.†¨Thus, the attitude towards managers are more formal, the information flow is hierarchical and controlled. †¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨Individualism With a score of 20 Thailand is a highly collectivist country. This is manifest in a close long-term commitment to the member ‘group’ (a family, extended family, or extended relationships). Loyalty to the in-group in a collectivist culture is paramount, and over-rides most other societal rules and regulations. The society fosters strong relationships where everyone takes responsibility for fellow members of their group.†¨In order to preserve the in-group, Thai are not confrontational and in there communication a â€Å"Yes† may not mean an acceptance or agreement. An offence leads to loss of face and Thai are very sensitive not to feel shamed in front of their group. Personal relationship is key to conducting business and it takes time to build such relations thus patience is necessary as well as not openly discuss business on first occasions. †¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨Masculinity / Femininity Thailand scores 34 on this dimension and is thus considered a feminine society. Thailand has the lowest Masculinity ranking among the average Asian countries of 53 and the World average of 50. This lower level is indicative of a society with less assertiveness and competitiveness, as compared to one where these values are considered more important and significant. This situation also reinforces more traditional male and female roles within the population.†¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨ Uncertainty avoidance Thailand scores 64 on this dimension indicating a preference for avoiding uncertainty. †¨In order to minimize or reduce this level of uncertainty, strict rules, laws, policies, and regulations are adopted and implemented. The ultimate goal of this population is to control everything in order to eliminate or avoid the unexpected. As a result of this high Uncertainty Avoidance characteristic, the society does not readily accept change and is very risk adverse. Change has to be seen for the greater good of the in-group. †¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨Long term orientation With a score of 56 Thailand is a Long Term Oriented culture though not as much as for most Asian countries. †¨LTO is manifest on their respect for tradition and inequality between people. †¨Amongst the values that are praised, working hard and having a sense of moderation are dominant. The investment in personal relationships and network is paramount. Protecting one’s face is key and a protocol in their non confrontational behavior.†¨Their concern is not to look for one truth which helps them be flexible and pragmatic in negotiations.†¨Thai favor long term oriented perspective and thus Thailand deadlines and timescales are fluid.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Theories of domestic violence Essays

Theories of domestic violence Essays Theories of domestic violence Essay Theories of domestic violence Essay therefore he fears losing award and regard. As a consequence of him non being able to economically back up his married woman, and keep control, he may turn to violence as ways to show maleness. Social acquisition theorysuggests that people learn from detecting and patterning after others behavior. With positive support, the behaviour continues. If one observes violent behaviour, one is more likely to copy it. If there are no negative effects ( e.g. victim accepts the force, with entry ) , so the behavior will probably go on. Oftentimes, force is transmitted from coevals to coevals in a cyclical mode. Harmonizing to Faith St Catherine of the Women s Resource and Outreach Centre in Jamaica, there is a civilization of maltreatment, particularly among the interior metropolis hapless Surveies have found that about one half of opprobrious work forces grew up in places where their male parent or measure male parent was an maltreater. An environment where force is either taught, by illustration, or accepted as normal will form upon a kid s mind. For case, a immature male child may see his male parent come place from work rummy and angry, shouting at his female parent. He watche s his female parent effort to delight and pacify his male parent s bibulous behavior. The immature male child is being taught that force gets consequences. He is developing his ain thoughts about what makes a adult male. hypertext transfer protocol: //books.google.com/books? hl=en A ; lr= A ; id=BPT0HelrVcMC A ; oi=fnd A ; pg=PA201 A ; dq=Social+theories+of+Domestic+Violence A ; ots=9iVvl8_Tpr A ; sig=C9P8UBogyad2RePEnpeTk5JYs7Y # v=onepage A ; q= A ; f=false Drug and/or intoxicant maltreatmentmay be a precursor to domestic force. Substance maltreatment leads to out-of-control behavior. A rummy or high individual will be less likely to command his or her violent urges. However some have argued that maltreaters use drug and intoxicant as an alibi for their action. Yet, intoxicant is an of import hazard factor for spouse maltreatment. Harmonizing to University of the West Indies professor and gender expert in Trinidad, Rhoda Reddock: in Trinidad, many of the most ghastly slayings and sexual force are linked to mental disease brought approximately by drug and intoxicant dependence, severally. Since intoxicant lessenings control and raises the potency for moving on urge, it is non surprising that some feel it can be a accelerator for maltreatment. Often a individual is able to keep control of violent emotions when he is sober, but after a few drinks, he becomes opprobrious. The intoxicant has dulled his marbless and diminished his ability to command his pique. In the Caribbean or more specifically in Barbados, domestic force is going more and more evident in the society. Domestic force is rarely reported in the island, therefore why the true incidence of domestic force is unknown. In November of 2005, harmonizing to The World Health Organization ( WHO ) one adult female in every three ( 3 ) adult females are reported to be sexually abused during childhood or adolescence. The survey revealed that the most common signifiers of force is meted out by loved 1s. As mentioned earlier, domestic force is besides known to be closely linked with drug and intoxicant maltreatment. Harmonizing to Tessa Chaderton-Shaw, director, of the National Council of Substance Abuse ( NCSA ) , There are many cross-cutting issues with substance maltreatment anddomestic force She besides stated that, It can take to isolation, shame, guilt, initial denial, loss of support, low self-pride and a possible for condemnable engagement. Peoples so became more cognizant of Do mestic Violence in the state, and the consciousness has invariably been turning. Even the Barbados Police Force has taken domestic force under more serious consideration and had devised a strategic program to turn to domestic force and cut down its happening, harmonizing to Sergeant David Wiltshire. Wiltshire said that officers were sent to the United States and England for developing to react to domestic force issues. Mentions Theories hypertext transfer protocol: //social.jrank.org/pages/210/Domestic-Violence-Causes-Domestic-Violence.html hypertext transfer protocol: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domestic_violence # Psychological hypertext transfer protocol: //wost201h_domviol.tripod.com/groupactionproject/id4.html Suman Kakar Condemnable Justice Approaches to Domestic Violence ( 1998 ) . Rhoda Reddock A ; Faith St Catherine hypertext transfer protocol: //www.jamaicaobserver.com/magazines/AllWoman/html/20061203T000000-0500_116180_OBS_CARIBBEAN_FACES_DOMESTIC_VIOLENCE_CHALLENGE_.asp Barbados A ; Domestic Violence hypertext transfer protocol: //archive.nationnews.com/archive_results.php? mode=allwords A ; IncludeStories=1 A ; numPer=20 A ; start=0 A ; keyword=Domestic+Violence A ; smartText

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Michael Jackson Satire

Attention to all the Michael Jackson lovers out there, I’ve got something to say to you. I once was a Michael Jackson fan as well; this was until he became a queer. I like his music, but I am not very fond of him. What could possibly change a normal human being into a freak? I don't know the answer to that question, but I know he has done many freakish things that caught the attention of the media in the past. Okay, this guy often wears a surgical mask over his face. I’m guessing this is so the mask filters the air he breathes in. It probably is that he does not want to inhale air that the public has already exhaled, as to say that his lungs are too good for publicly consumed air. Give me break, really. If anything, we should all be wearing surgical masks to prevent us from breathing his air. There's only a certain amount of weirdness that one could tolerate. What is with the white glove he wears? I can't figure out if it’s a trademark or something more significant. Recently, the public has found out about Michael Jackson's â€Å"animal zoo† in his residence. The chimp pet of his named bubbles is one of his most popular. When Jay Leno found out about his chimp, he turned it into a joke. On his screen he showed a baby chimp with a white glove on his hand. The picture implied that Michael and his pet chimp had mated, and they produced a baby monkey with a white glove on his hand. On other night time shows such as â€Å"Mad TV†, Michael is often the butt of their jokes. I guess there is always something new that comes up which can be made fun of. A few years back, I can remember the time when he got married to the late Elvis Priestly’s daughter, Lisa Marie Priestly. I ponder about the reason she married him. What could she want from him? It couldn’t be money; she already inherited enough from her father. I gave up straining my brain for the answer to that question. Another thing I wonder about is Michael Jackson's ki... Free Essays on Michael Jackson Satire Free Essays on Michael Jackson Satire Attention to all the Michael Jackson lovers out there, I’ve got something to say to you. I once was a Michael Jackson fan as well; this was until he became a queer. I like his music, but I am not very fond of him. What could possibly change a normal human being into a freak? I don't know the answer to that question, but I know he has done many freakish things that caught the attention of the media in the past. Okay, this guy often wears a surgical mask over his face. I’m guessing this is so the mask filters the air he breathes in. It probably is that he does not want to inhale air that the public has already exhaled, as to say that his lungs are too good for publicly consumed air. Give me break, really. If anything, we should all be wearing surgical masks to prevent us from breathing his air. There's only a certain amount of weirdness that one could tolerate. What is with the white glove he wears? I can't figure out if it’s a trademark or something more significant. Recently, the public has found out about Michael Jackson's â€Å"animal zoo† in his residence. The chimp pet of his named bubbles is one of his most popular. When Jay Leno found out about his chimp, he turned it into a joke. On his screen he showed a baby chimp with a white glove on his hand. The picture implied that Michael and his pet chimp had mated, and they produced a baby monkey with a white glove on his hand. On other night time shows such as â€Å"Mad TV†, Michael is often the butt of their jokes. I guess there is always something new that comes up which can be made fun of. A few years back, I can remember the time when he got married to the late Elvis Priestly’s daughter, Lisa Marie Priestly. I ponder about the reason she married him. What could she want from him? It couldn’t be money; she already inherited enough from her father. I gave up straining my brain for the answer to that question. Another thing I wonder about is Michael Jackson's ki...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Properties of an element Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Properties of an element - Essay Example The value of silver has not been affected by time. The metal is still being used to make ornaments and championship medals. However, its use as a medium of exchanged has been replaced by the use of legal tenders. Human beings are gaining knowledge with the passage of time. Many applications of the silver metal have been unearthed. For instance, silver is used in the manufacture of the crystalline solar photovoltaic panel. Due to its reflectivity, the metal is being used in the making of the mirror-like panels that act as air conditioners when mounted on a building. Silver’s catalytic action helps in the sanitization of water. The metal is therefore used in water purifiers. It goes ahead to prevent the buildup of bacteria and algae in the filters. Many hospitals and spas prefer the use of silver to chlorine in the purification of water. Due to the imperfect nature of human beings, any organ in the body fails. In cases of tooth decay, silver is mixed with mercury and the amalgam is used to fill the teeth (Garg and Garg, 2010). The conductivity properties of silver are very high. Therefore, some electronic products make use of silver for its superior conductivity and immunity to rusting (Silverinstitute.org, 2015). Other manufacturers go a step further to produce audio connector cables and wires that possess a six percent higher conductivity than ordinary copper. Silver dioxide batteries are preferred by many due to their long life. Silver can reflect some forms of infrared radiations. That is why the metal is used in the making of the inf rared telescopes. Silver is very important in the world of biology. Its stains are used in biology to enhance the contrast and visibility of cells in the microscope thus facilitating research. Silver is very essential in the medical field. The metal is incorporated into the dressing of wounds and as an antibiotic

Friday, November 1, 2019

Healthy Diet for People with Diabetes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Healthy Diet for People with Diabetes - Essay Example According to the code of professional ethics, the nurses and other medical practitioners are accountable for actions and omissions made in their lines of professional duty and practice, and are bound to justify decisions. 4 The National Service Framework (NSF) for Diabetics 4 Diabetes Description 5 Natural Progression and Pathophysiology 5 Epidemiology 7 Symptoms and Related Complications 8 Complications 9 Management 11 Management of Diabetes 11 Management of Complications 14 Preventing Diabetes 15 Preventing Emergencies 18 Conclusion 21 References 22 Dietary Management for Diabetes Patients Introduction Background Diabetes mellitus, simply known as diabetes, is a disease that occurs due to high blood sugar. This could occur from the fact that pancreas is producing inadequate insulin, or because the cells in the body are irresponsive to the insulin that is produced (Dunning, 2009). Diabetes occurs in two main types; type 1 and 2. Apart from type one and two diabetes, there are other forms, for example gestational diabetes, which occurs in pregnant women, there is congenital diabetes, monogenic diabetes, and diabetes related to cystic fibrosis (Dunning, 2009). All of these types have adverse effects on human health and as such as to be managed, if only to prevent the high rate of fatalities that the disease has the potential to bring about (Taheri, 2012). Globally, many diabetics tend to live in denial on the possible physical impacts of diabetes complications such as heart attack, kidney failure, amputation, stroke, eye disease, high blood pressure. This poses a shocking awareness after diagnosis, and is likely to destabilize the psychological status of the patient (Gadsby & Khunti, 2013). Low or unstable blood sugars in diabetics cause irrationality, anger, anxiety, impatience and restlessness that may cause stress, depression and denial. Dietary management for diabetics may require that fried meals and sugary desserts be replaced with baked foods, fresh fruit s and vegetables (Gadsby & Khunti, 2013). The aim of this paper is to look into the management of this disease, especially as pertains to their dietary needs. To this effect, it is important to study the pathophysiology of diabetes, its epidemiology and natural progression to gain an understanding of the background of the illness (Gadsby & Khunti, 2013). In addition to this, the paper will study the some of the common modes of treatment, that is, the use of insulin. The paper will also cover prevention of diabetes and potential complications from the disease, management of these complications and the role of the multidisciplinary team in all this (Taheri, 2012). National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Guidelines The dietary and nutritional management is fundamental for the prevention of Type 2 diabetes and the effective management of Type 1 and 2 diabetes (Feinglos & Bethel, 2008). NICE guidelines provide information to both the healthcare professionals and the diab etics that are necessary in the determination of healthy dietary choices (Feinglos & Bethel, 2008). Nutritional management is effective for diabetics, and in the prevention of

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Organizational Profile Using Secondary Research Assignment Paper

Organizational Profile Using Secondary Assignment - Research Paper Example In 1871, the company was known as Nokia Ab. Nokia entered the telecommunication industry in 1981, with its very first mobile service named Nordic Mobile Telephone service (NMT). Nokia was the pioneer in introducing the first car phone to the telecommunication network. Mobira 450 car phones were introduced in 1982 and portable phone in 1986. To meet with the changing need of the customers in the era of innovation, Nokia came up with 3G (third generation) mobile in 2002. In 2007, the company was recognized as 5th most valued brand worldwide. This enhanced the goodwill of the company and its brand recognition to a large extent (Nokia, 2011). The very recognition provides the company with the stronger grip into the market. The mission of the company is simply â€Å"connecting people†. The company deals with mobiles and cell phones and enjoys market share of 31% internationally. The company also has an excellent team of skilful manpower. The HRD department of Nokia is very well dev eloped (Nokia, 2011). 2.0. Industry Analysis The frequent changes experienced in the wireless telecommunication market have resulted in both challenges and opportunities for the companies operating in this sector. After an exceptional growth for over a decade, the telecom sector has witnessed many ups and downs. The innovation of technology in this industry makes the competition fiercer in which the initiator accumulates maximum benefits (Jayashree & Et. Al., 2010). Currently, the global telecommunication industry has expanded itself to nearly double since its commencement in the early 1980s. Competition experienced in this industry is intense in nature and emergence of several factors is enabling certain drastic changes within the organisational management trends executed by telecommunication companies. Internet and wireless technologies have been bringing in dramatic changes in the preferences of customers, disrupting traditional communication systems despite decreasing the prices . Telecommunication industry includes several technology related business segments such as wireless communications, internet, local and long distance telephone services among others (Ingres insight, 2008). 3.0. Organizational Analysis In order to gain competency, Nokia tends to inculcate the cultural social aspects that in turn is effective in rewarding the company with greater brand equity in its market (de Wit B & Meyer, 2004). Nokia is enhancing its competency in emerging markets through the adoption of latest technology. Nokia had experienced losses in terms of its market share due to the ineffective strategies implemented by the company in relation to market trends and customer demands of the targeted market. But the market also offers huge prospective opportunities to Nokia such as operation in developing countries like China and Japan. Telecommunication market is increasing vigorously providing more opportunity for Nokia to operate in the market. Planning and developing appro aches are both of use. Resource based strategies and market strategies both played quite important roles in the development of Nokia (BBC New, 2007). 4.0. Prominent characteristics of Nokia 4.1. Strengths Largely varied product range User friendly and update technology usage in the products The resale values of Nokia mobiles are comparatively high attracting price concerned customers Continuous product innovation Considerable percentage of market share internationally Has a persuasive branding image towards its customers as well as

Monday, October 28, 2019

Australian Aboriginal Dot Art Essay Example for Free

Australian Aboriginal Dot Art Essay Aboriginal art has been overshadowed by the idea that it is primarily presented in dots. It has got to the point where people believe that certain Aboriginal people own the dot and artists both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal are hesitant to use consecutive dots within artwork. Explain how the above has evolved and where dot art has come from Dot paintings today are recognised globally as unique and integral to Australian Aboriginal art. On the surface the dot is simply a style of Aboriginal painting, like the use of cross-hatching or stencil art. Exploring deeper into the history of the Aboriginal dot painting a world of camouflage, secrecy and ritual is discovered. The term ‘dot painting’ stems from what the Western eye sees when faced with contemporary Aboriginal acrylic paintings. This painting style arose from the Papunya art movement in the 1970s. Papunya Tula artists used a process which originally mirrored traditional spiritual ceremonies. In such rituals the soil would be cleared and smoothed over as a canvas (much like the dark, earthy boards used by the Papunya Tala) for the inscription of sacred designs, replicating movements of ancestral beings upon earth. These Dreaming designs were outlined with dancing circles and often surrounded with a mass of dots. Afterward the imprinted earth would be smoothed over, painted bodies rubbed away, masking the sacred-secrets which had taken place. This ritual was shifted from ground to canvas by the Papunya Tula who eventually added an array of naturally produced colours to the restricted palette of red, yellow, black and white produced from ochre, charcoal and pipe clay. Such pieces reveal a map of circles, spirals, lines, dashes and dots, the traditional visual language of the Western Desert Aboriginal People. However these marks were permanent and due to arising interest made public, creating internal political uproar. Consequently representations of sacred objects were forbidden or concealed through the dotting technique. Now that the collecting of pieces of Aboriginal art has become so popular world-wide, a common, mistaken belief is that the Dot Painting Style of Central Australia is a recent development. This belief arises because it was in the 1960s that a Central Australian school teacher encouraged the old men of the tribe to record their art on European sheets of board, using acrylic paints. This use of acrylic paints on flat board dates from that time. However, the art style itself, with geometric designs, is seen in the petroglyphs (rock engravings) dating back thousands of years. Ancient petroglyphs showing concentric circles (non-naturalistic art style), inland South Australia The use of dots was once Australia-wide, particularly seen on body decoration when people are painted for ceremonies, and paintings in the remote Kimberley region where dots are clearly seen on the body decoration of some of the earliest human figures, likely to be older than 20,000 years. See accompanying photo. ) Dot decoration on the body of an ancient human figure, Kimberley Aboriginal Art: Traditional to Contemporary The resurgence of Australian Indigenous art has become one of the most brilliant and exciting new eras of modern art. It has grown with such amazing diversity and enthusiasm that art critic, Robert Hughes, has described it as the last great art movement. For indigenous Austr alians art has been a part of their culture and tradition for thousands of years and is recognised as one of the oldest living art traditions. Though, over the past 30 years it has progressed from being confined primarily to the tourist industry, to become a richly, evolving international art movement. Since the Renaissance of Aboriginal art during the early 1970s, Aboriginal artists have been encouraged to find new, innovative ways of incorporating cultural traditions into their imagery. This encouragement first began through an art teacher, Geoffrey Bardon, who became the catalyst for contemporary Aboriginal art. Fascinated by the traditional sand designs created by Indigenous children in Papunya, Bardon encouraged the Aboriginal community to re-create their Dreamtime stories through paintings. He introduced them to acrylic paint and from there Aboriginal art gained a more permanent form and the style, popularly known as dot art, emerged as the most recognisable form of Aboriginal art. It was a new form of art which also allowed Aborigines to, for the first time, express to the rest of Australia and the world, the ancient traditions of their culture. Many Aboriginal artists have chosen to continue practicing traditional art as a means of conserving the conventional method of creating, inherited from their tribal ancestors. Their content, which is explicitly aboriginal, is usually derived from their history and culture, as a continuation of the spiritual link they possess with their country. Research When The emergence of dot paintings by Indigenous men from the western deserts of Central Australia in the early 1970s has been called the greatest art movement of the twentieth century. Prior to this, most cultural material by Indigenous Australians was collected by anthropologists. Consequently, collections were found in university departments or natural history museums worldwide, not art galleries. Where That all changed at a place called Papunya. Papunya was a sit-down place established in the early 1960s, 240 kilometres northwest of Alice Springs in the Northern Territory (NT). The settlement brought together people from several western desert language groups: the Pintupi, Warlpiri, Arrernte (Aranda), Luritja, and the Anmatyerr, who were unaccustomed to living in close proximity to each other. Dot Painting or Aboriginal Dot Art originated in the desert using natural substances on the ground in the sand. Those pictures in the sand are not unlike the paintings we see today produced using acrylic paints. The acrylic paintings are usually done using acrylic paint and it is applied to canvas or art board with various diameter sticks dipped into paint and then applied one dot at a time. The Australian Aborigine of the western desert constructed their stories using ochre, sand, blood, coal from their fires and plant material placed together on the ground clump by clump for various ceremonial occasions. If you look at the desert landscape from the height of any small bluff or hill what you see looking down are clumps of growth scattered about a red landscape. The spinifix grass, desert hardwood bush and occasional rocks or rock outcrops make up the myriad of dots that seem to cover the landscape. Because everything in the desert has meaning to the Australian Aborigine these seemingly unimportant arrays of pattern in the desert have special meaning to the Dot painters of the western desert. If you were to ever fly over the desert low enough to see what was on the ground you would see what he dot painting has replicated for you to see. These dots are a myriad of clumps of natural splendour which might go unnoticed had you not seen a dot painting and looked to see what it was about. The arrangement of the plants, rocks and water are all part of the spirit of creation and it is because of this placement that Aboriginal people have traversed the deserts safely without printed maps for th ousands of years. The placement and arrangement of all of these natural things are in songs and these songs are often sung while the painting is being created. Nearly every painting has a song and the songs often disclose important ceremonial facts about a particular region or area. These important ceremonial places are often in the paintings but because they are sacred to Aboriginal people they are camouflaged in some way, visible to the initiated person but invisible to others who do not know what to look for. Many paintings contain these special hidden meanings and the new owners of these paintings will never know what the whole story of their purchased painting is about. Only over time may some insight be gained from looking at the painting. This is a point of pride among the Australian Aboriginal artists because they see the purchase of their art or for them the sale of their art, as a validation of their race and culture by others. This is because a value has been placed on the art. Since the Australian Aboriginal culture is depicted in all traditional paintings they are passing down their knowledge in the only way they are able, to those who have yet to understand it. The Aboriginal people do not have a written language so these painting of their stories and ceremonies are all they have to save this culture for future generations. The colour and the placement of the dots are important to depicting the visible message and camouflaging the hidden message in Aboriginal dot art. Even the over painting of an area of the work has special significance and may convey different messages. Some people gifted with a since of tactile feeling are able to feel a special vibrancy emanating from their painting. Who Many of the significant early artists at Papunya were senior men who had vivid memories of their first contact with white people. Typically, they came out of the desert as adults during the 1950s drought and their connection to ritual law was strong. The first artists collective, Papunya Tula Artists, was set up in 1972 by men from this settlement. Papunya Tula Artists was the inspiration and model for many other Indigenous artists collectives. In 2009 there are 42 desert Indigenous art communities represented by Desert. The artwork was seen as a way to keep the culture alive, and carry Indigenous stories to the world. The movement was seen as being about recollection and cultural memories linked to Dreaming’s or story types. Why the modern aboriginal â€Å"dot art† movement started? Geoffrey Bardon AM (1940–2003) Geoffrey Bardon began working as an art teacher at Papunya Special School in 1971. Concerned that the schools curriculum, appearance and ethos seemed out of step with Aboriginal culture, Bardon attempted unsuccessfully to involve his class in painting a series of murals on the school walls. Thereupon Kaapa Tjampitjinpa, Long Jack Phillipus Tjakamarra, Billy Stockman Tjapaltjarri and others created the Honey Ant Mural, which inspired many senior men to ask Bardon for painting materials and eventually begin painting in the Mens Painting Room. The Mens Painting Room, Papunya Johnny Warangkula Tjupurrula can be seen in the middle ground painting a Kalinypa Water Dreaming. His two boomerangs are placed in front of the board as percussion instruments, ready to be used to accompany the verses of the Water Dreaming, sung at intervals during the painting process, June-August 1971 Photo: Michael Jensen Convinced of the groundbreaking importance of what he was witnessing, Bardon made comprehensive photographic, moving film and written records of the artists and the paintings that they produced while he was at Papunya. From his primary research, Bardon wrote three books and made three films that initiated public interest in Western Desert art. In 1988 Bardon was awarded the Order of Australia Medal for his unique contribution to the Western Desert art movement. The Honey Ant Mural, July 1971 Geoffrey Bardon and his Arerrnte assistant, Obed Raggett, had noticed people drawing designs in the sand at Papunya. Following this precedent, they drew circles and spirals on the blackboard in an unsuccessful attempt to encourage their class of adolescent boys to paint a series of murals on a whitewashed, cement-rendered wall of the Papunya Special School. In late July 1971, after painting a series of smaller practice murals, seven painters collaborated in the painting of a monumental mural representing the Honey Ant Dreaming specific to the site of Papunya. Working under the direction of custodians Mick Wallangkarri Tjakamarra and Tom Onion Tjapangati, the artists included Kaapa Tjampitjinpa, Billy Stockman Tjapaltjarri, Long Jack Phillipus Tjakamarra, Johnny Warangkula Tjupurrula and Don Ellis Tjapanangka. The Honey Ant Mural, a bold expression of Aboriginal culture in a government settlement, occasioned great rejoicing at Papunya and inspired immense pride in the community. Geoffrey Bardon in front of the Honey Ant Mural, Papunya, August 1971 Photo: Robert Bardon  © artists and their estates 2011, licensed by Aboriginal Artists Agency Limited and Papunya Tula Artists Pty Ltd Pintupi people from the Western Desert Pintupi is the name of a Western Desert language spoken by Aboriginal people who belong to a large stretch of country in the Gibson Desert of Western Australia and the western edge of the Northern Territory. When the Pintupi arrived in the government settlements east of their traditional lands between the 1930s and the 1950s, they adopted the term Pintupi to distinguish themselves from the surrounding Aboriginal inhabitants as the people from the west. They were among the last Aboriginal people in Australia to abandon their nomadic lifestyle, the last family arriving into the newly established community of Kiwirrkura in 1984. In Papunya, the Pintupi, bound to each other by their dominant loyalties of relatedness and kinship, were ostracised due to their lack of conversance with kartiya (non-Aboriginal) customs and their perceived lack of sophistication. Diversity within â€Å"dot art† showing two different artists works. Uta Uta Tjangala Traditional Artist Uta Uta Tjangala, who is an exemplar of the historical cultural tradition, Uta Uta’s painting career and reputation is closely aligned to the artistic renaissance that began at Papunya in 1971. He was a founding member of the mens painting group, inspired other Pintupi tribesmen, and becoming one of the most senior and influential painters amongst the group. Born in Western Australia in Drovers Hills, he made the epic journey to Haasts Bluff with his family during the severe drought of the mid to late 1950’s in the company of Charlie Tarawa. Two years later, after returning to his homelands, he made the journey once more with Timmy Payungka, Pinta Pinta and their families. Uta Uta Tjangala (early years) Employed as a gardener at the Papunya school Uta Uta, then in his 40’s, became one of the original group drawing and painting on composition board with encouragement from art teacher Geoff Bardon. When supplying paints to Uta Uta and his gathering group of enthusiastic friends, Bardon suggested the men use their existing cultural symbols to depict their Dreamings and links to the land. The Pintupi men, having been pushed from their traditional homelands by government policy and European development, painted under a bough shelter behind the camp pouring into their work their acute longing for the places depicted †¦ and chanting the song cycles that told the stories of the designs as they worked . These early works aroused strong protest within Aboriginal communities when first exhibited in Alice Springs in 1974 because of the disclosure of secret and sacred knowledge. A period of experimentation followed, resulting in the development of a symbolic language of classic ideograms and the characteristic dot covered areas that veil sacred elements from the uninitiated. The large, tribally mixed population of Papunya intensified the interaction, but under the influence of artists like Uta Uta, the painting group was able to break through the political and cultural constraints toward a safer stylistic conformity, and prepare the way for personal and distinctive styles to emerge. Uta Uta in particular, with his exciting and charismatic personality as well as his bold and dynamic style, played a vital role in these developments. Bardon recalled many years later, everything that came from him was genuine . Uta Uta’s 1971 and 1972 paintings generally featured major story elements with only the barest dotted in-fill within the iconography and small sections of the background. The aesthetic balance and harmony of these works is derived through colour and weight rather than by a geometric division of the painted surface. The rather crude dotting and line work of these early paintings on board embues them with an energy and power that is less apparent in his later more technically proficient works. His paintings are far stronger and more powerful when the clean unadorned background remains, unlike paintings by his contemporary Kaapa, whose early works became more aesthetically appealing as he began to in-fill the background. In developing a style that censored the more secret and sacred content in his painting, Uta Uta added more dot-work as the years went by. He painted more Tingari sites completely surrounded by neat dots that became less and less detailed. Despite his advancing age during the late 1970’s he continued to paint as he spent increasing time at outstations west of Papunya and, at the beginning of the 1980’s, he completed what was to become one of the most important and revered works of the entire Western Desert art movement. Yumari 1981, possibly his largest and most significant painting, reveals the mythical Tingari ancestors traveling across vast stretches of country as they create sites and institute rituals. Yumari is a rocky outcrop in his home country and the key ceremonial site of the area. Story elements and natural features blend seamlessly into a beautifully balanced geometry of concentric circles and connecting lines that enclose a central, abstracted figure. This body continues rather than interrupts the intense, minutely dotted background configurations, yet still holds the central focus. The work is characterised by the sinuous movement of converging regular and irregular shapes, accentuated by outlining white dots. The predominant use of an earthy red alongside vivid yellow ochre, further emphasizes the assertive quality in this cohesive and powerful statement of Aboriginal tradition. The work was exhibited at the XVIII Bienal de Sao Paulo in 1983 and is now in the collection of the National Museum of Australia. While painting Yumari, important discussions were taking place at Papunya concerning the move back to the Pintupi homelands at Kintore. Land rights legislation during the 1970’s returned ownership of the land to its traditional owners and Uta Uta was a strong advocate for resettlement.