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Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Organizational Profile Using Secondary Research Assignment Paper

Organizational Profile Using Secondary Assignment - Research Paper Example In 1871, the company was known as Nokia Ab. Nokia entered the telecommunication industry in 1981, with its very first mobile service named Nordic Mobile Telephone service (NMT). Nokia was the pioneer in introducing the first car phone to the telecommunication network. Mobira 450 car phones were introduced in 1982 and portable phone in 1986. To meet with the changing need of the customers in the era of innovation, Nokia came up with 3G (third generation) mobile in 2002. In 2007, the company was recognized as 5th most valued brand worldwide. This enhanced the goodwill of the company and its brand recognition to a large extent (Nokia, 2011). The very recognition provides the company with the stronger grip into the market. The mission of the company is simply â€Å"connecting people†. The company deals with mobiles and cell phones and enjoys market share of 31% internationally. The company also has an excellent team of skilful manpower. The HRD department of Nokia is very well dev eloped (Nokia, 2011). 2.0. Industry Analysis The frequent changes experienced in the wireless telecommunication market have resulted in both challenges and opportunities for the companies operating in this sector. After an exceptional growth for over a decade, the telecom sector has witnessed many ups and downs. The innovation of technology in this industry makes the competition fiercer in which the initiator accumulates maximum benefits (Jayashree & Et. Al., 2010). Currently, the global telecommunication industry has expanded itself to nearly double since its commencement in the early 1980s. Competition experienced in this industry is intense in nature and emergence of several factors is enabling certain drastic changes within the organisational management trends executed by telecommunication companies. Internet and wireless technologies have been bringing in dramatic changes in the preferences of customers, disrupting traditional communication systems despite decreasing the prices . Telecommunication industry includes several technology related business segments such as wireless communications, internet, local and long distance telephone services among others (Ingres insight, 2008). 3.0. Organizational Analysis In order to gain competency, Nokia tends to inculcate the cultural social aspects that in turn is effective in rewarding the company with greater brand equity in its market (de Wit B & Meyer, 2004). Nokia is enhancing its competency in emerging markets through the adoption of latest technology. Nokia had experienced losses in terms of its market share due to the ineffective strategies implemented by the company in relation to market trends and customer demands of the targeted market. But the market also offers huge prospective opportunities to Nokia such as operation in developing countries like China and Japan. Telecommunication market is increasing vigorously providing more opportunity for Nokia to operate in the market. Planning and developing appro aches are both of use. Resource based strategies and market strategies both played quite important roles in the development of Nokia (BBC New, 2007). 4.0. Prominent characteristics of Nokia 4.1. Strengths Largely varied product range User friendly and update technology usage in the products The resale values of Nokia mobiles are comparatively high attracting price concerned customers Continuous product innovation Considerable percentage of market share internationally Has a persuasive branding image towards its customers as well as

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