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Thursday, October 24, 2019

Angelo’s Pizza

ANGELO’S PIZZA ANSWER #1. The expansion of stores and eventually franchising while focusing on serving only high quality fresh ingredients should include the following three resource management implications: (1) BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT ANALYSIS – This implication represents the importance of the company’s general and competitive environment. Angelo needs a good business strategy. A strategic plan is the company’s plan for how it will match its internal strengths and weaknesses with external opportunities and threats in order to maintain a competitive advantage (Dessler, 2012).Angelo’s early attempts showed the pitfalls in rushing and making assumptions about replicating a viable business unit. Fortunately, Angelo has realized his lack of proper planning and the necessity to correct his errors before attempting to branch out into more stores and possibly franchising. The locations of the proposed new stores are paramount. These locations must be in area s where high quality ingredients are readily available. The supply of fresh ingredients does not meet all the needs for successful stores. The medium that serves the customer pays a vital role. 2) JOB ANALYSIS – All businesses want to attract and maintain good people. A job analysis is the procedure through which you determine the duties of the positions and the characteristics of the people to hire for them (Dessler, 2012). All of Angelo’s locations must have competent employees who are able to provide good customer service. Angelo has to develop a plan that identifies the characteristics and skills that applicants need to possess before he can develop his staff. Once he knows the type/kind of person he needs to recruit for his business, he needs a comprehensive plan for hiring them.A screening process for applicants that include hiring guidelines, previous work experience, and reference and background checks would be useful. A logical, structured interview session wh ere the job duties and responsibilities as well as the required job qualifications are explained would be the next step. Once Angelo has job candidates that he is satisfied with, he then has to develop human resource strategies that will ensure their success. (3) TRAINING – Angelo should develop a training program for both new and existing employees. The implementation of a training program is beneficial for both the company and the employees.Training programs helps each employee to understand their various role/job expectations. Unskilled workers are counterproductive to the work environment. It can jeopardize a business reputation. Angelo’s newly hired waiter/waitress should be trained on how to correctly take orders and how to serve the customers efficiently. Angelo’s ideas regarding customer service has to be shared throughout all stores. If sufficient time is devoted with the training program, all employees become an asset for the organization with the incr ease of their knowledge.After completion of the training, all of Angelo’s Pizza employees should know where they stand and that their performance can lead to a management position. ` ANSWER #3. By asking the following questions, I feel Angelo will be able to attain qualified candidates. The questions are based on situational and behavioral judgments. STRUCTURED INTERVIEW FORM Name of Applicant: Position applied for: Date of the Interview: (1) Why did you choose our organization? (2) Employees interact with a wide variety of customers. Sometimes customers may become angry/frustrated.Describe a time when you dealt with a customers who was demanding. Impatient or angry. How did you respond to the customer’s request or demands? What was the outcome of your actions? (3) Sometimes employees must communicate unpleasant information to customers. Describe a time when you had to communicate unfavorable information to a customer. What did you have to tell the customer? What was t he outcome? (4) If a customer is dissatisfied and wants to return a ordered food item/dish, how would you respond? BIBLIOGRAPHY/WORK SITED Dessler, G. (2012). Human Resource Managemnet, Thirteenth Edition. Pearson.

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